Commit 478d7202 by ilal


parent 82ee3c2a
......@@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ public class SalaryTool {
static SimpleDateFormat matM = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");
* 保留两位小数,四舍五入的一个老土的方法
* @param d
* @return
public static double formatDouble(double d) {
return (double)Math.round(d*10000)/10000;
* 获取两个日期相差的月数
* @param d2 较大的日期
* @param d1 较小的日期
......@@ -24,4 +24,6 @@ public interface SbgjjAssoYjzdMapper extends BaseMapper<SbgjjAssoYjzd> {
List<MonthlyCheckoutSheetDto> MonthlycheckoutsheetList(MonthlyStatementDto monthlystatementdto);
SbgjjAssoYjzd IndividualTotalsbgjj(String usernum,int qyid,String zymonth);
......@@ -85,6 +85,21 @@
cbryid SbgjjAssoYjzd_cbryid
<select id="IndividualTotalsbgjj" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select * from sbgjj_asso_yjzd yj
where yj.cbryid = (
select from sbgjj_admin_cbry cb
where cb.user_num = #{usernum}
and cb.qyid = #{qyid}
and in (select yj.cbryid from sbgjj_asso_yjzd yj
where yj.zymonth = #{zymonth}
and yj.user_num = #{usernum})
and cb.state = 1
and cb.is_use = 1
and yj.qyid = #{qyid}
<select id="MonthlycheckoutsheetList" resultMap="MonthlyCheckoutSheetMap">
select emp.`name` as empname,
yjzd.user_num as usernum,
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