Commit ccd6cbc6 by lal


parent 143ca0e6
......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
WHEN DAYNAME(#{param.times}) = 'Saturday' THEN '6' ELSE '7' END))
WHEN IFNULL((select kqz.pbfs from kqgl_main_kqz kqz where = sum.att_group),'') = 2
THEN (select pb.bcid from kqgl_asso_pbmx pb where pb.userid = sum.num
and pb.`data` = '2020-06-16' and pb.kqzid = sum.att_group) ELSE '' END))),'') as ydkcs,
and pb.`data` = #{param.times} and pb.kqzid = sum.att_group) ELSE '' END))),'') as ydkcs,
'' address,
'' remarks,
'' cardtype,
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
'' macname,
IFNULL(rtj.attdate, '') attdate,
IFNULL(rtj.userid,'') userid,
IFNULL(,'') data,
#{param.times} data,
IFNULL(rtj.sbdk1,'') sbdk1,
IFNULL(rtj.sbdk1jg,'') sbdk1jg,
IFNULL(rtj.xbdk1 ,'') xbdk1,
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