Commit d45206a1 by tangzhaoqian


parent 3ebd53d0
......@@ -726,6 +726,8 @@ public class JxglController {
@PutMapping(value = "/termination_performance_appraisal")
@ApiOperation(value = "8.终止-绩效考核", httpMethod = "PUT", notes = "终止-绩效考核")
@ApiOperationSupport(order = 8)
@Log(title = "终止-绩效考核")
public Result<Object> terminationPA(@CurrentUser UserBean userBean,@NotNull @RequestParam Integer id) {
JxglPerformanceAppraisal performanceAppraisal = jxglPerformanceAppraisalMapper
......@@ -955,6 +957,7 @@ public class JxglController {
@ApiOperation(value = "13.终止-考核", httpMethod = "PUT", notes = "终止-考核")
@ApiOperationSupport(order = 13)
@Log(title = "终止-考核")
public Result<Object> terminationAssessment(@CurrentUser UserBean userBean, @NotNull @RequestParam Integer id) {
JxglAppraisal appraisal = jxglAppraisalMapper.selectById(id);
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class RouterUtils {
// 首次发起申请时,写入 审批人名称 至 obj 中
if (isFirse) {
if (isFirse && obj.getStr("current_approver") != null ) {
obj.set("current_approver", listUser.get(i).getName());
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