Commit d49c4712 by ilal

Merge branch 'lal' into develop

parents 99962752 9cafb016
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ public class PayTermDto implements Serializable {
Integer xgsid;// 项对应的公式id
String xgsgs;// 项公式
Integer zxzzid;
Integer xiscustom;//是否自定义项(0:否;1:是)
Integer xrulestate;//
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<select id="IndividualTotalsbgjj" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select * from sbgjj_asso_yjzd yj
<!-- select * from sbgjj_asso_yjzd yj
where yj.cbryid = (
select from sbgjj_admin_cbry cb
where cb.user_num = #{usernum}
......@@ -97,6 +97,17 @@
and cb.state = 1
and cb.is_use = 1
and yj.qyid = #{qyid} -->
select * from sbgjj_asso_yjzd yj
where yj.zymonth = #{zymonth}
and yj.user_num = #{usernum}
and yj.cbryid = (
select from sbgjj_admin_cbry cb
where cb.user_num = #{usernum}
and cb.state = 1
and cb.is_use = 1
and cb.qyid = #{qyid})
and yj.qyid = #{qyid}
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
<result column="xoptionid" property="xoptionid"/>
<result column="xiscustom" property="xiscustom"/>
<result column="xrulestate" property="xrulestate"/>
<result column="zxzzid" property="zxzzid"/>
......@@ -190,7 +191,8 @@
gzzx.optionid as xoptionid,
jxgz.xzzid as zxzzid,
gzzx.is_custom as xiscustom,
gzzx.rulestate as xrulestate
gzzx.rulestate as xrulestate,
gzzx.xzzid as zxzzid
from xcgl_asso_jxgz jxgz
LEFT JOIN xcgl_asso_jsgzzx as gzzx on gzzx.jxgzid =
where jxgz.xzzid = #{xzzid}
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