Commit e9e283dd by lal Committed by chenzg


parent a0bd4a4b
......@@ -842,11 +842,11 @@ public class KqglServiceImpl implements KqglService {
}else if(attgro.getPbfs() == 2){//自由排班
if(attgro.getIsXzbcdk() == 1){
// if(attgro.getIsXzbcdk() == 1){
// attcar.setOptscheduling(true);
// }else{
// attcar.setOptscheduling(false);
// }
if(jrpb != null){
if(jrpb.getBcid() != 0){//有班次时("Bcid"不为0时)
KqglAssoBcsz tsrq = KqglAssoBcsz.builder().build().selectOne(new QueryWrapper<KqglAssoBcsz>().lambda().eq(KqglAssoBcsz::getId, jrpb.getBcid()));
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