<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" > <mapper namespace="cn.timer.api.dao.kqgl.AttendanceGroupMapper" > <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.AttendanceGroup" > <id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="name" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="kqbz" property="kqbz" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="pbfs" property="pbfs" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="qyid" property="qyid" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="is_fdjjr" property="isFdjjr" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="kqkssj_time" property="kqkssjTime" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="zsgzsc" property="zsgzsc" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="zcgzsc" property="zcgzsc" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="jbzdsc" property="jbzdsc" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="is_dqtx" property="isDqtx" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="txry" property="txry" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="txfs" property="txfs" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="txxhts" property="txxhts" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="txsj_time" property="txsjTime" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="tsfs" property="tsfs" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="is_wpbsdk" property="isWpbsdk" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="sybc" property="sybc" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="is_xzbcdk" property="isXzbcdk" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="kqznum" property="kqznum" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="pbfsnm" property="pbfsnm" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="dkfs" property="dkfs" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="kqjid" property="kqjid" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="is_wq" property="isWq" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="overtime_rules_id" property="overtimeRulesId" /> <result column="overtimeRulesName" property="overtimeRulesName" /> <result column="restdayclock" property="restdayclock" /> <collection property="kqzdkfslist" ofType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.AttGroupBinPunchMode"> <result column="kqzId" property="kqzId" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="type" property="type" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> </collection> </resultMap> <resultMap id="YgglEmpInfoMap" type="cn.timer.api.bean.yggl.YgglMainEmp" > <id column="id" property="id" /> <id column="id" property="id" /> <result column="emp_num" property="empNum" /> <result column="phone" property="phone" /> <result column="password" property="password" /> <result column="head_url" property="headUrl" /> <result column="name" property="name" /> <result column="english_name" property="englishName" /> <result column="sex" property="sex" /> <result column="zj_type" property="zjType" /> <result column="zj_num" property="zjNum" /> <result column="sfzyx_time" property="sfzyxTime" /> <result column="birthday" property="birthday" /> <result column="age" property="age" /> <result column="is_married" property="isMarried" /> <result column="is_pregnant" property="isPregnant" /> <result column="area" property="area" /> <result column="mz" property="mz" /> <result column="zzmm" property="zzmm" /> <result column="jg" property="jg" /> <result column="city" property="city" /> <result column="hk_type" property="hkType" /> <result column="hk_address" property="hkAddress" /> <result column="qq" property="qq" /> <result column="wechat" property="wechat" /> <!-- <result column="email" property="email" /> --> <result column="blood_type" property="bloodType" /> <result column="language" property="language" /> <result column="edu" property="edu" /> <result column="zy" property="zy" /> <result column="zz_remark" property="zzRemark" /> <result column="job_type" property="jobType" /> <result column="job_status" property="jobStatus" /> <result column="rz_time" property="rzTime" /> <result column="syq" property="syq" /> <result column="zz_time" property="zzTime" /> <result column="sjzz_time" property="sjzzTime" /> <result column="is_jrkq" property="isJrkq" /> <result column="job_num" property="jobNum" /> <result column="work_address" property="workAddress" /> <result column="work_phone" property="workPhone" /> <result column="work_email" property="workEmail" /> <result column="zpqd" property="zpqd" /> <result column="bmgw_id" property="bmgwId" /> <result column="org_code" property="orgCode" /> <result column="unionid" property="unionid" /> <result column="openid" property="openid" /> <result column="mpopenid" property="mpopenid" /> <result column="appopenid" property="appopenid" /> </resultMap> <sql id="Base_Column_List" > id, name, kqbz, pbfs, qyid, is_fdjjr, kqkssj_time, zsgzsc, zcgzsc, jbzdsc, is_dqtx, txry, txfs, txxhts, txsj_time, tsfs, is_wpbsdk,sybc,is_xzbcdk,is_wq,overtime_rules_id,restdayclock </sql> <select id="selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" > select kqz.*, (select bc.`name` from kqgl_asso_bcsz bc where bc.id = kqz.overtime_rules_id) as overtimeRulesName from kqgl_main_kqz kqz where kqz.id = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER} </select> <delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" > delete from kqgl_main_kqz where id = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER} </delete> <insert id="insert" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.AttendanceGroup" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id"> insert into kqgl_main_kqz (name, kqbz, pbfs, qyid, is_fdjjr, kqkssj_time, zsgzsc, zcgzsc, jbzdsc, is_dqtx, txry, txfs, txxhts, txsj_time, tsfs, is_wpbsdk,sybc,is_xzbcdk,is_wq,restdayclock) values (#{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{kqbz,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{pbfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{isFdjjr,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{kqkssjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{zsgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{zcgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{jbzdsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{isDqtx,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{txry,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{txfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{txxhts,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{txsjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{tsfs,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{isWpbsdk,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{sybc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{isXzbcdk,jdbcType=INTEGER},#{isWq,jdbcType=INTEGER},#{restdayclock,jdbcType=INTEGER}) </insert> <insert id="insertSelective" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.AttendanceGroup" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id"> insert into kqgl_main_kqz <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," > <if test="name != null" > name, </if> <if test="kqbz != null" > kqbz, </if> <if test="pbfs != null" > pbfs, </if> <if test="qyid != null" > qyid, </if> <if test="isFdjjr != null" > is_fdjjr, </if> <if test="kqkssjTime != null" > kqkssj_time, </if> <if test="zsgzsc != null" > zsgzsc, </if> <if test="zcgzsc != null" > zcgzsc, </if> <if test="jbzdsc != null" > jbzdsc, </if> <if test="isDqtx != null" > is_dqtx, </if> <if test="txry != null" > txry, </if> <if test="txfs != null" > txfs, </if> <if test="txxhts != null" > txxhts, </if> <if test="txsjTime != null" > txsj_time, </if> <if test="tsfs != null" > tsfs, </if> <if test="isWpbsdk != null" > is_wpbsdk, </if> <if test="sybc != null" > sybc, </if> <if test="isXzbcdk != null" > is_xzbcdk, </if> <if test="isWq != null" > is_wq, </if> <if test="overtimeRulesId != null" > overtime_rules_id, </if> <if test="restdayclock != null" > restdayclock, </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," > <if test="name != null" > #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="kqbz != null" > #{kqbz,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="pbfs != null" > #{pbfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="qyid != null" > #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="isFdjjr != null" > #{isFdjjr,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="kqkssjTime != null" > #{kqkssjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="zsgzsc != null" > #{zsgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="zcgzsc != null" > #{zcgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="jbzdsc != null" > #{jbzdsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="isDqtx != null" > #{isDqtx,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="txry != null" > #{txry,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="txfs != null" > #{txfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="txxhts != null" > #{txxhts,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="txsjTime != null" > #{txsjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="tsfs != null" > #{tsfs,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="isWpbsdk != null" > #{isWpbsdk,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="sybc != null" > #{sybc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="isXzbcdk != null" > #{isXzbcdk,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="isWq != null" > #{isWq,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="overtimeRulesId != null" > #{overtimeRulesId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="restdayclock != null" > #{restdayclock,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> </trim> </insert> <update id="updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.AttendanceGroup" > update kqgl_main_kqz <set > <if test="name != null" > name = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="kqbz != null" > kqbz = #{kqbz,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="pbfs != null" > pbfs = #{pbfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="qyid != null" > qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="isFdjjr != null" > is_fdjjr = #{isFdjjr,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="kqkssjTime != null" > kqkssj_time = #{kqkssjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="zsgzsc != null" > zsgzsc = #{zsgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="zcgzsc != null" > zcgzsc = #{zcgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="jbzdsc != null" > jbzdsc = #{jbzdsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="isDqtx != null" > is_dqtx = #{isDqtx,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="txry != null" > txry = #{txry,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="txfs != null" > txfs = #{txfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="txxhts != null" > txxhts = #{txxhts,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="txsjTime != null" > txsj_time = #{txsjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="tsfs != null" > tsfs = #{tsfs,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="isWpbsdk != null" > is_wpbsdk = #{isWpbsdk,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="sybc != null" > sybc = #{sybc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="isXzbcdk != null" > is_xzbcdk = #{isXzbcdk,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="isWq != null" > is_wq = #{isWq,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="overtimeRulesId != null" > overtime_rules_id = #{overtimeRulesId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="restdayclock != null" > restdayclock = #{restdayclock,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> </set> where id = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER} </update> <update id="updateByPrimaryKey" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.AttendanceGroup" > update kqgl_main_kqz set name = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, kqbz = #{kqbz,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, pbfs = #{pbfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER}, is_fdjjr = #{isFdjjr,jdbcType=INTEGER}, kqkssj_time = #{kqkssjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, zsgzsc = #{zsgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, zcgzsc = #{zcgzsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, jbzdsc = #{jbzdsc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, is_dqtx = #{isDqtx,jdbcType=INTEGER}, txry = #{txry,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, txfs = #{txfs,jdbcType=INTEGER}, txxhts = #{txxhts,jdbcType=INTEGER}, txsj_time = #{txsjTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, tsfs = #{tsfs,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, is_wpbsdk = #{isWpbsdk,jdbcType=INTEGER}, sybc = #{sybc,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, is_xzbcdk = #{isXzbcdk,jdbcType=INTEGER}, is_wq = #{isWq,jdbcType=INTEGER}, overtime_rules_id = #{overtimeRulesId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, restdayclock = #{restdayclock,jdbcType=INTEGER} where id = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER} </update> <select id="selectByPrimaryAttOwn" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" > select kqz.* from kqgl_main_kqz kqz LEFT JOIN kqgl_asso_kqzdkfs as zp on zp.kqz_id = kqz.id LEFT JOIN kqgl_asso_kqj as kqj on kqj.id = zp.dkfsid where zp.type = 1 and kqz.qyid = #{qyid} and kqj.id = #{id} </select> <select id="selectByPrimaryAttAddressOwn" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" > select kqz.* from kqgl_main_kqz kqz LEFT JOIN kqgl_asso_kqzdkfs as zp on zp.kqz_id = kqz.id LEFT JOIN kqgl_asso_dkdz as dkdz on dkdz.id = zp.dkfsid where zp.type = 2 and kqz.qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER} and dkdz.id = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER} </select> <select id="selectByPrimaryAttWIFIOwn" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" > select kqz.* from kqgl_main_kqz kqz LEFT JOIN kqgl_asso_kqzdkfs as zp on zp.kqz_id = kqz.id LEFT JOIN kqgl_asso_dkwx as dkwx on dkwx.id = zp.dkfsid where zp.type = 3 and kqz.qyid = #{qyid} and dkwx.id = #{id} </select> <select id="selectAttGroupListByQyid" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select kqz.*, case kqz.pbfs WHEN '1' then '固定排班' WHEN '2' then '排班制' else '自由工时' end as pbfsnm, znm.kqznum, dkfs.type from kqgl_main_kqz kqz LEFT JOIN (select count(yhkqz.kqzid) as kqznum, yhkqz.kqzid as kqzid from kqgl_asso_yhkqz yhkqz where yhkqz.qyid = #{qyid} GROUP BY yhkqz.kqzid) as znm on znm.kqzid = kqz.id LEFT JOIN (select kqzdkfs.kqz_id as kqzId,kqzdkfs.type as type from kqgl_asso_kqzdkfs kqzdkfs where kqzdkfs.qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER}) as dkfs on dkfs.kqzId = kqz.id where 1=1 and kqz.qyid = #{qyid} </select> <select id="selectKqglMainKqzByQuery" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.KqzAttendanceGroupSearch"> select kqz.*, case kqz.pbfs WHEN '1' then '固定排班' WHEN '2' then '排班制' else '自由工时' end as pbfsnm, znm.kqznum, dkfs.type from kqgl_main_kqz kqz LEFT JOIN (select count(yhkqz.kqzid) as kqznum, yhkqz.kqzid as kqzid from kqgl_asso_yhkqz yhkqz where yhkqz.qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER} GROUP BY yhkqz.kqzid) as znm on znm.kqzid = kqz.id LEFT JOIN (select kqzdkfs.kqz_id as kqzId,kqzdkfs.type as type from kqgl_asso_kqzdkfs kqzdkfs where kqzdkfs.qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER}) as dkfs on dkfs.kqzId = kqz.id where 1=1 and kqz.qyid = #{qyid} <if test="overall != null" > and kqz.name like CONCAT('%',#{overall,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') </if> </select> <select id="selectAttGroupMachineByQyid" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select kqz.*, kqzdkfs.dkfsid as kqjid from kqgl_main_kqz kqz LEFT JOIN kqgl_asso_kqzdkfs as kqzdkfs on kqzdkfs.kqz_id = kqz.id and kqzdkfs.type = 1 and kqzdkfs.state = 1 where kqz.qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER} </select> <select id="getAttendanceGroupInformationByUserid" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select * from kqgl_main_kqz kqz where kqz.id = (select yhkqz.kqzid from kqgl_asso_yhkqz yhkqz where yhkqz.userid = #{userid,jdbcType=INTEGER} and yhkqz.qyid = #{qyid,jdbcType=INTEGER}) </select> <select id="selectAttendanceOfficer" resultMap="YgglEmpInfoMap"> select * from yggl_main_emp info where org_code = #{orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR} <if test="text != ''" > and (info.`name` like CONCAT('%',#{text,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') or info.emp_num = #{text,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) </if> </select> <select id="EmployeeListByorgCode" resultMap="YgglEmpInfoMap"> select * from yggl_main_emp where org_code = #{orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </select> <select id="selectByPrimaryByempNum" resultMap="YgglEmpInfoMap" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" > select * from yggl_main_emp emp where emp.emp_num = #{empNum,jdbcType=VARCHAR} and emp.org_code = #{orgCode,jdbcType=INTEGER} </select> <delete id="deleteTBlFkcmdTransCmdParamByTransId" parameterType="java.lang.String"> delete from kqjg_fkcmd_trans_cmd_param where trans_id = #{transId} </delete> <insert id="insertTBlFkcmdTransCmdParam" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.TBlFkcmdTransCmdParam" > insert into kqjg_fkcmd_trans_cmd_param <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="transId != null"> trans_id, </if> <if test="deviceId != null"> device_id, </if> <if test="cmdParam != null"> cmd_param, </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="transId != null"> #{transId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="deviceId != null"> #{deviceId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="cmdParam != null"> #{cmdParam,jdbcType=VARBINARY}, </if> </trim> </insert> <delete id="deleteTBlFkcmdTransCmdResultByTransId" parameterType="java.lang.String"> delete from kqjg_fkcmd_trans_cmd_result where trans_id = #{transId} </delete> <insert id="insertTBlFkcmdTrans" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.kqgl.TBlFkcmdTrans" > insert into kqjg_fkcmd_trans <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="transId != null"> trans_id, </if> <if test="deviceId != null"> device_id, </if> <if test="cmdCode != null"> cmd_code, </if> <if test="returnCode != null"> return_code, </if> <if test="status != null"> status, </if> <if test="updateTime != null"> update_time, </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="transId != null"> #{transId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="deviceId != null"> #{deviceId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="cmdCode != null"> #{cmdCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="returnCode != null"> #{returnCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="status != null"> #{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="updateTime != null"> #{updateTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> </trim> </insert> <select id="selectTBlFkcmdTransNum" resultType="java.lang.String" > select max(trans_id) as trans_id from kqjg_fkcmd_trans </select> </mapper>