<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="cn.timer.api.dao.spmk.SpmkApproveSummaryMapper"> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="cn.timer.api.bean.spmk.SpmkApproveSummary" > <id column="id" property="id" /> <result column="org_code" property="orgCode" /> <result column="emp_num" property="empNum" /> <result column="title" property="title" /> <result column="department_name" property="departmentName" /> <result column="initiator" property="initiator" /> <result column="create_time" property="createTime" /> <result column="approve_name" property="approveName" /> <result column="sts" property="sts" /> <result column="current_approver" property="currentApprover" /> <result column="history_approver" property="historyApprover" /> <result column="asso_type" property="assoType" /> <result column="digest" property="digest" /> <result column="update_time" property="updateTime" /> <result column="end_time" property="endTime" /> <result column="digest" property="digest" /> </resultMap> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap_As" type="cn.timer.api.bean.spmk.SpmkApproveSummary" > <id column="id" property="id" /> <result column="org_code" property="orgCode" /> <result column="emp_num" property="empNum" /> <result column="title" property="title" /> <result column="department_name" property="departmentName" /> <result column="initiator" property="initiator" /> <result column="create_time" property="createTime" /> <result column="approve_name" property="approveName" /> <result column="sts" property="sts" /> <result column="current_approver" property="currentApprover" /> <result column="history_approver" property="historyApprover" /> <result column="asso_type" property="assoType" /> <result column="update_time" property="updateTime" /> <result column="end_time" property="endTime" /> <result column="digest" property="digest" /> <result column="gw_name" property="gwName" /> <result column="bm_id" property="bmId" /> <result column="bm_name" property="bmName" /> </resultMap> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> id, org_code, emp_num, title, department_name, initiator, create_time, approve_name, sts, current_approver, history_approver, asso_type, update_time, end_time, digest </sql> <sql id="Base_Column_List_a"> a.id, a.org_code, a.emp_num, a.title, a.department_name, a.initiator, a.create_time, a.approve_name, a.sts, a.current_approver, a.history_approver, a.asso_type, a.update_time, a.end_time, a.digest </sql> <sql id="Base_Column_List_Alias"> id SpmkApproveSummary_id, org_code SpmkApproveSummary_org_code, emp_num SpmkApproveSummary_emp_num, title SpmkApproveSummary_title, department_name SpmkApproveSummary_department_name, initiator SpmkApproveSummary_initiator, create_time SpmkApproveSummary_create_time, approve_name SpmkApproveSummary_approve_name, sts SpmkApproveSummary_sts, current_approver SpmkApproveSummary_current_approver, history_approver SpmkApproveSummary_history_approver, asso_type SpmkApproveSummary_asso_type, update_time SpmkApproveSummary_update_time, end_time SpmkApproveSummary_end_time, digest SpmkApproveSummary_digest </sql> <select id="selectPageByQuery" resultMap="BaseResultMap_As" > SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List_a" />, (SELECT name FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT bmgw_id FROM yggl_main_emp WHERE a.emp_num = emp_num limit 1) limit 1) as gw_name, (SELECT id FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT up_id FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT bmgw_id FROM yggl_main_emp WHERE a.emp_num = emp_num limit 1) limit 1) limit 1) as bm_id, (SELECT name FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT up_id FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT bmgw_id FROM yggl_main_emp WHERE a.emp_num = emp_num limit 1) limit 1) limit 1) as bm_name FROM spmk_approve_summary a WHERE a.org_code = #{param.orgCode} <if test="param.query != null and param.query != ''"> and ( a.title like CONCAT('%',#{param.query},'%') or a.initiator like CONCAT('%',#{param.query},'%') or a.id like CONCAT('%',#{param.query},'%') ) </if> <if test="param.sts != null"> and a.sts = #{param.sts} </if> <if test="param.startTime != null and param.startTime != ''"> and a.create_time <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{param.startTime} </if> <if test="param.endTime != null and param.endTime != ''"> and a.create_time <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{param.endTime} </if> <if test="param.empNums != null and param.empNums.size() > 0"> and a.emp_num IN ( <foreach item="it" index="index" collection="param.empNums" separator="," close="" > #{it} </foreach> ) </if> ORDER BY a.id DESC </select> <select id="selectPageByQueryForEmpNum" resultMap="BaseResultMap_As" > SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List_a" />, (SELECT name FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT bmgw_id FROM yggl_main_emp WHERE a.emp_num = emp_num limit 1) limit 1) as gw_name, (SELECT id FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT up_id FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT bmgw_id FROM yggl_main_emp WHERE a.emp_num = emp_num limit 1) limit 1) limit 1) as bm_id, (SELECT name FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT up_id FROM zzgl_bmgw_m WHERE id = (SELECT bmgw_id FROM yggl_main_emp WHERE a.emp_num = emp_num limit 1) limit 1) limit 1) as bm_name FROM spmk_approve_summary a WHERE a.org_code = #{param.orgCode} <if test="param.type != null and param.type >= 1"> and a.id in (SELECT approve_summary_id FROM spmk_approve_execute_record WHERE id IN (SELECT approve_execute_record_id FROM spmk_executor WHERE emp_num = #{param.empNum}) and type = #{param.type} ) and a.sts <![CDATA[ <> ]]> 1 </if> <if test="param.type != null and param.type == 0"> and a.emp_num = #{param.empNum} </if> <if test="param.sts != null"> and a.sts = #{param.sts} </if> <if test="param.query != null and param.query != ''"> and ( a.title like CONCAT('%',#{param.query},'%') or a.initiator like CONCAT('%',#{param.query},'%') or a.id like CONCAT('%',#{param.query},'%') ) </if> <if test="param.startTime != null and param.startTime != ''"> and a.create_time <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{param.startTime} </if> <if test="param.endTime != null and param.endTime != ''"> and a.create_time <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{param.endTime} </if> ORDER BY a.id DESC </select> <!-- <insert id="insert" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.spmk.SpmkApproveSummary"> INSERT INTO spmk_approve_summary <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test ='null != orgCode'> org_code, </if> <if test ='null != empNum'> emp_num, </if> <if test ='null != title'> title, </if> <if test ='null != departmentName'> department_name, </if> <if test ='null != initiator'> initiator, </if> <if test ='null != createTime'> create_time, </if> <if test ='null != approveName'> approve_name, </if> <if test ='null != sts'> sts, </if> <if test ='null != currentApprover'> current_approver, </if> <if test ='null != historyApprover'> history_approver, </if> <if test ='null != assoType'> asso_type, </if> <if test ='null != updateTime'> update_time, </if> <if test ='null != endTime'> end_time, </if> <if test ='null != digest'> digest </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test ='null != orgCode'> #{orgCode}, </if> <if test ='null != empNum'> #{empNum}, </if> <if test ='null != title'> #{title}, </if> <if test ='null != departmentName'> #{departmentName}, </if> <if test ='null != initiator'> #{initiator}, </if> <if test ='null != createTime'> #{createTime}, </if> <if test ='null != approveName'> #{approveName}, </if> <if test ='null != sts'> #{sts}, </if> <if test ='null != currentApprover'> #{currentApprover}, </if> <if test ='null != historyApprover'> #{historyApprover}, </if> <if test ='null != assoType'> #{assoType}, </if> <if test ='null != updateTime'> #{updateTime}, </if> <if test ='null != endTime'> #{endTime}, </if> <if test ='null != digest'> #{digest} </if> </trim> </insert> <delete id="delete" > DELETE FROM spmk_approve_summary WHERE id = #{id} </delete> <update id="update" parameterType="cn.timer.api.bean.spmk.SpmkApproveSummary"> UPDATE spmk_approve_summary <set> <if test ='null != orgCode'>org_code = #{orgCode},</if> <if test ='null != empNum'>emp_num = #{empNum},</if> <if test ='null != title'>title = #{title},</if> <if test ='null != departmentName'>department_name = #{departmentName},</if> <if test ='null != initiator'>initiator = #{initiator},</if> <if test ='null != createTime'>create_time = #{createTime},</if> <if test ='null != approveName'>approve_name = #{approveName},</if> <if test ='null != sts'>sts = #{sts},</if> <if test ='null != currentApprover'>current_approver = #{currentApprover},</if> <if test ='null != historyApprover'>history_approver = #{historyApprover},</if> <if test ='null != assoType'>asso_type = #{assoType},</if> <if test ='null != updateTime'>update_time = #{updateTime},</if> <if test ='null != endTime'>end_time = #{endTime},</if> <if test ='null != digest'>digest = #{digest}</if> </set> WHERE id = #{id} </update> <select id="load" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> FROM spmk_approve_summary WHERE id = #{id} </select> <select id="pageList" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> FROM spmk_approve_summary LIMIT #{offset}, #{pageSize} </select> <select id="pageListCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> SELECT count(1) FROM spmk_approve_summary </select> --> </mapper>