Commit fae33e2a by youling Committed by chenzg


parent 7f0ceef5
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ public class AttendanceTaskTiming{
if(attgro.getPbfs() == 1){ //固定排班
List<KqglAssoTeshu> bxdklist = kqglassoteshumapper.ShouldSpecialDatessetByKqzid(attgro.getId(), ttstr,1);//当前月 必须打卡日期
int bxdk = bxdklist.size();
log.error("bxdk数据为:" + bxdk);
String[] bxdkss = new String[bxdk];////特殊-必须打卡天数(工作日)
int b = 0;
for(KqglAssoTeshu bxd : bxdklist) {
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ public class AttendanceTaskTiming{
int y = 0,q = 0,jj = 0,xx = 0;//jj:节假日
String[] zdxx = new String[31];//法定休息的具体天数(yyyy-MM-dd)
int wd = ClockInTool.getDaysByYearMonth(year,month);
log.error("ClockInTool:" + wd);
for(int i = 1; i <= wd; i++){
boolean xixi = true;
......@@ -280,12 +280,11 @@ public class AttendanceTaskTiming{
for(int u=0;u<week.length;u++){
String webbuf = sdf2.format(date1);
log.error("webbuf:" + webbuf + " week[u]:" + week[u]);
log.error("appmaps: " + appmaps.toString());
y = y-1;
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